Thursday, July 12, 2012

Final Assignment: PMV

"PMV" stands for "Picture Music Video". What it is is exactly what the name says: a series of hand drawn pictures that correspond with a song. It's kind of like a slideshow, but more relevant to the music and actually telling a story.

The song I used is a translated song by a singer on Youtube: I Like You, I Love You by Rockleetist. She has a variety of songs in her YouTube Channel and she allows people to use them as long as we give her credit. The characters I used in this PMV are not mine, but are from my favorite show, Soul Eater. I refer to myself as Digitalscratch in the video because that is the name I use around the internet and I intend on showing this to my friends. 

The songs was originally about 4 minutes long, and while I intended to reach that time, I was unable to due to only two days given to work on the project, and the fact my hand started to hurt. Thus I had to chop the song in order to make it shorter, and I had to rush in coloring and drawing the last few pictures. Originally there was a story to this PMV, but because I was in a rush I couldn't include the scenes that I originally planned so a lot of things seem random. Honestly, if I knew it was going to be this much of a hassle I would have asked about the final a week ago so I can get started then. 

I also ended up pulling a literal all-nighter to get this video done. As I am typing this, I have went this far for more than 24 hours without sleeping. Good training for future careers. 

Even though I know I could have done better, I am still proud that I was able to make this- with the song the only thing not owned by me. I see this as a great step toward making more of these. I at least now know how to mange my time with these kind of projects.

Final Project

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Bouncing Hell-Ball

int circleX=50;
int circleY=100;
int speed=1;
int x=0;
int y=1;

void setup (){

void draw(){

  if ((x>width)||(x<0)){
    speed = speed *-1;}

stroke(204, 102, 0);
fill(204, 102, 0);
ellipse(x, 150,55,55);
circleX = circleX + 1;
circleY = circleY + 1;


   circleX = circleX*-1;



In Class Processing Assignment

/*Rieev Princer
Bouncing Ball
Digital Art: 245
July 9, 2012

int x = 0;
int y = 1;
int speed = 1;
int circleX = 10;
int circleY = 10;

void setup (){
smooth ();}

void draw (){
background (111,181,255);

x = x + speed;

if ((x > width)||(x < 0)) {
 speed = speed * -1;

stroke (2,101,203);
fill (26, 130, 237);
ellipse (x,100,circleX,circleY);
circleX = circleX + 1;
circleY = circleY + 1;

y = y + circleY;
y = y +circleX;

if ((x > width)||(x < 0)) {
 circleY = circleY * -1;
 circleX = circleX * -1;}

Processing Assignment

int circleX=50;
int circleY=100;
int circlesizeX=60;
int circlesizeY=60;
int change=1;
int x=0;
int speed=1;

void setup (){
size(200, 200);

void draw (){

if (mouseX<width/3){
}else if (mouseX<2*width/3){



  ellipse(x, 100, 60, 60);
  stroke(60, 80, 30);
  fill (70, 200, 250);


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Assignment 7

I used a line and an arc for the wings, so I could not figure out how to only color the wings. :(

/*Evynne Fagan
Assignment 7

void setup() {


void draw() {
  // Background color
  background(11, 103, 227);

  // Body


  // Eyes
  // Eyes White
  // Beak

// Feet

  // Hands
  arc(mouseX-60,mouseY+21, 34, 60, PI/8, PI/2);


Assignment #6

Part 1

I did a remake for a website called "My Life is Bro." This is a site where teenagers and immature young adults who think they're really "chill" and have lots of "swag" go and post something they think is "totally bro."

Their posts mostly consist of sex, drugs, and whatever they think is cool and "bro-appropriate." For this assignment, I changed the posts so that they would have been posts from rich, classy, higher-class citizens. I used good grammar, using themes such as wine, health, money, golf, etc., and also changed the ad so that they would be targeted for higher-class young adults.



Part 2

American Independence Day on the fourth of July is the most significant holiday of the summer. This is the time where people of all ages from every state celebrate the historical day when Americans won their independence. Every year, depending on their location and age groups, people go to nearby lakes, beaches, stadiums, casinos, and other places to spend this celebratory day and watch the fireworks.

In Reno, Nevada, the students from the University of Reno go to Lake Tahoe to celebrate this day with friends. At Zephyr Cove, the beach is filled with raging students, even as early as 9 a.m. However, at this popular place, entering the beach with alcohol is prohibited. One may think it is a safety issue or to provide alcohol-free environment, but this is definitely not the case. They provide a restricted area called the "Beer Garden," and you can buy as many drinks as you want. As disheartening as this may be, their drinks are ridiculously overpriced, charging as much as $6 per cup of beer. The beach uses the holiday to sell alcohol and make money during the week of fourth of July, even though it's supposed to be the day to celebrate our freedom and independence. To make matters worse in the case of Lake Tahoe, if people bring coolers with alcoholic beverages, they are forced to walk back to their cars, which are often parked as far as 1-2 miles away. Every year, the students are forced to "car bar," the entire day, try to smuggle alcohol which often times fails, or pay highly overpriced drinks at the lake. Their sole purpose and intent for this is to take advantage of this day and make some extra money.

Unfortunately, Lake Tahoe is not the only place that prohibits alcohol to sell drinks of their own. Countless places around the nation, especially popular places, uses this opportunity to make some extra money, even if this is not something they do on a regular basis.

I feel that fourth of July should not be the day they change up their normal system to make money. I do have a business/marketing background, so I understand their strategy and their thought-process. However, I am also a very patriotic person, and I don't think this displays a very good American citizenship. If I was an entrepreneur, I would take this chance to provide something special to everyone, rather than take advantage of it.

I took this picture at the Victorian Square by the Nugget Casino, where thousands of people gather to watch the fireworks. I edited the photo so that one of the signs would say "Free Beer; Happy Independence Day, America!" I chose to do this intervention because I know that if I was a business owner, I would sponsor something special public on this special day, whether it be a discount for my selling items, an event (such as raffles, competition, etc. depending on my business and location), etc. This would be the prefect opportunity to set up a tent where I can sell finger foods, give out free stuff, and/or hold games/events for the public.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Assignment# 7

Here's my monster! It's a mix between a cat, a rabbit, and a little bit of a fox.

Rieev Princer
3 July 2012
Assignment #7: Animal/Monster
A mix of a rabbit, a cat, and a fox.*/

void setup (){


void draw(){
background (255,162,234);
PImage b;
b = loadImage("glitter.jpg");




curveVertex(mouseX+45,  mouseY+95);
curveVertex(mouseX+90,  mouseY+108);
curveVertex(mouseX+68,  mouseY+19);
curveVertex(mouseX+45, mouseY-15);
curveVertex(mouseX+32, mouseY+120);
curveVertex(mouseX+45, mouseY+15);
curveVertex(mouseX-45,  mouseY+95);
curveVertex(mouseX-90,  mouseY+108);
curveVertex(mouseX-68,  mouseY+19);
curveVertex(mouseX-45, mouseY-15);
curveVertex(mouseX-32, mouseY+120);
curveVertex(mouseX-45, mouseY-15);


ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,110,80);



PFont font;
font = loadFont("Palatino-Italic-20.vlw");
text("Hello there~",mouseX-145, mouseY-80);

  arc(mouseX-13, mouseY+0, 15, 5, 0, PI);
  arc(mouseX+13, mouseY+0, 15, 5, 0, PI);
  ellipse(mouseX-25,mouseY+9, 15,10);
  } else{

 float LeyeX = mouseX-16;
    float eyeY = mouseY+0;
    float ReyeX = mouseX+16;

 float LLeyeX = mouseX-10;
    float LLeyeY = mouseY+0;
    float RReyeX = mouseX+23;

In order to get the background, you will have to save this picture and load it onto Processor.
And to get the font, go to "Tools", then "Create Font...", then find "Palatino-Italic". Set the size to 20, and then press "Okay"!

Assignment #7 - My super scary monster!

void setup()
size(1000, 1000);


void draw(){
stroke(39, 93, 24);
fill(39, 93, 24);
rect(mouseX, mouseY, 200, 300);
ellipse(mouseX+200, mouseY, 20, 30);
ellipse(mouseX+225, mouseY-25, 60, 60);

ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 30);
ellipse(mouseX-25, mouseY-25, 60, 60);

ellipse(mouseX+100, mouseY, 200, 300);
ellipse(mouseX+100, mouseY+300, 200, 300);
rect(mouseX+100, mouseY+450, 10, 40);
rect(mouseX+70, mouseY+525, 10, 40);
rect(mouseX+130, mouseY+525, 10, 40);
ellipse(mouseX+70, mouseY+570, 20, 40);
ellipse(mouseX+140, mouseY+570, 20, 40);

rect(mouseX+105, mouseY+620, 10, 40);
rect(mouseX+95, mouseY+620, 10, 40);
ellipse(mouseX+100, mouseY+670, 20, 40);
ellipse(mouseX+110, mouseY+670, 20, 40);

fill(61, 3, 144);
rect(mouseX+80, mouseY+490, 50, 100);
rect(mouseX+60, mouseY+490, 20, 40);
rect(mouseX+130, mouseY+490, 20, 40);

ellipse(mouseX+50, mouseY+120, 80, 80);
ellipse(mouseX+150, mouseY+140, 80, 80);


ellipse(mouseX+50, mouseY+130, 50, 30);
ellipse(mouseX+150, mouseY+150, 50, 30);

fill(50, 60, 80);
rect(mouseX+10, mouseY+50, 80, 80);
fill(50, 60, 80);
rect(mouseX+110, mouseY+70, 80, 80);

arc(mouseX+105, mouseY+185, 150, 420, 0, PI/2);
arc(mouseX+105, mouseY+185, 150, 420, PI/2, PI);

fill(50, 60, 80);
ellipse(mouseX+50, mouseY+50, 80, 80);
ellipse(mouseX+150, mouseY+70, 80, 80);


/*void mousePressed(){
stroke(120, 90, 254);
fill(55, 220, 230);
rect (mouseX, mouseY, 100, 300);

void keyPressed(){

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Assignment #7: Draw an Animal in Processing

Homework due THURSDAY, July 5, 2012:

Using Processing, design an animal or monster using simple shapes. Have your animal or monster FOLLOW your mouse.

Extra points: have keyPressed and/or mousePressed make changes in your program.
Extra points: design a background (or foreground using the alpha channel) and create an environment for your animal or monster.

Assignment 6 Part 2

My intervention would represent the passing of The FAA Reauthorization Act which will eventually flood our skies with drones/cameras that can read the text off of a milk carton from 60,000 feet away. Congress passed the bill last February which orders the FAA to develop regulations for the creation of said drones which we'll start seeing in 2015. The initiation of this new technology in American skies is widely considered as an invasion of privacy. 30,000 drones are expected above America by as early as 2020.

In order to protest this movement and expose it to atleast a few people, I would simply imitate it's device. I would have several people, each carrying DSLR cameras equipped with massive lenses, photo-attack people that have committed silly crimes, such as jay walking.
These select people might find the attention funny until the cameramen's persistence begins to wear on the subject's patience. Once their patience runs low they should begin to ask questions, such as, “why are you following me” or even threaten to hurt the cameramen. This is the goal. 
Once a subject attacks the cameramen then the cameramen must fight back!  The cameramen represents the government (the FAA and Homeland Security in particular) and, as of right now, the government is the victor.  All of the cameramen should beat the living crap out of the subject until he/she is bloody and incapacitated.  Once this is finished the cameramen should exploit the victim and turn the photos of the 'criminal' in to the authorities so they can press charges.  Bang!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Reading Assignment 3

After reading the article, it makes me wonder about expectation as far as their ideology on how students should act. What is their definition of the role of students?

Assignment #6

I chose to do my assignment on the website because of the recent decision to cover America's sky with surveillance drones.


Optional Illustrator assignment

Reading Assignment #3

On the Poverty of Student Life

1) I, unfortunately, do not understand this reading as well as the others. From what I can gather from what I have read, though, he is trying to say that the 'poverty' of students and why they are despised is connected to society's treatment of them and how the universities and government are established. Is he trying to push for a change in politics in order to give a better life to students? Do you believe that students are as 'lowly' and 'hated' as he makes them out to be? If you could somehow change something about Universities and schools in general to improve student behavior, what would you do?

Assignment #6- Part 2

My intervention is based on my feelings toward society's tendencies to worship celebrities and anything that has to do with them. It always bothered me how all a celebrity has to do is stick their name onto a product, and suddenly that product starts selling. The most blatant example of celebrity marketing, in my eyes, is perfumes. There are many celebrities from around the world who have their own brand of fragrance (Beyonce, Britney Spears, Usher, etc.) and it bothers me that people actually buy such things. What makes their fragrances better than other perfume brands? Is it because its their fragrance, meaning that by using it you could smell like them? I always liked to joke that the perfume brand smells like the celebrities themselves, and when you use it, you will think you smell just like them (when in reality the scent is no different from other perfumes.)

I decided that my intervention would be a Perfume Parody Commercial, where the product I am selling- "Aroma Famous"- is a perfume brand that can make you smell like any celebrity you have always wanted to be like. I am basically poking fun at how people put celebrities on such a high pedestal and how 'smelling like them' or having something in their name makes them feel special about themselves. And it is not just Celebrity brands, but any perfume or beauty product in general. Does donning a product, such as celebrity perfume, really get you a better life? Or do you simply enjoy the feeling of having something branded by a celebrity, and it makes you feel good about yourself? I feel that it is rather silly of people to believe that by putting on some sort of beauty product it makes them physically better, when in reality they look like fools for gushing over a product that simply has a famous name on it. That is the problem I find with products like the perfumes I am making fun of: it is all about the name.

If I had the proper materials to make a more believable commercial and to even make a sample of the product, I would show the commercial as a joke on late night television: such as Adult Swim on Cartoon Network or Comedy Central. I will choose these stations because the commercial is merely meant as a joke, and therefore should be shown on channels that are known to dish out jokes. I would even ask to play the commercial on April Fools on different stations, just to see how many people actually believe it to be real, which just proves my point that one can easily sell a product just by sticking a famous name on it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Assignment #6- Part 1

Facebook Parody
 The website I chose to parody is Facebook. I am not fond of this website at all and therefore it is an easy target for me. While I am aware of the 'good side' of Facebook (connecting old friends and relatives), it is the 'bad side' of Facebook that bothers me the most. When I say the 'bad side' of Facebook, I am referring to the kind of users who update about what is going on in their life every minute, take really bad bathroom pictures of themselves, and who always make stupid comments on certain statuses. While I do have a Facebook, I rarely ever use it because what I have seen people do annoy me. There are people who spend their time updating their statuses every 10 minutes as if something exciting is going on in their lives. Not to mention the pictures that many people take in the bathroom to show off their new clothes, and even decorate with bad Photoshop brushes in order to 'spice it up.' 

This bothers me because it shows where the priorities of our generation lie. We want to know that we have plenty of friends, even if we don't know who they really are; we want people to know what we are doing at all times; and we want to know that people actually care about what we are doing.